
London, United Kingdom
Every time we are about to dress up, we always encounter the same question, where can we find the stuff that really fits us and the theme of the night ahead? How many times have you, like us, spent hours trying to cherry pick the latest sleek, smart, sexy and stylish look, always trying to out dress everyone there!? We're tired of searching high and low to buy things for the party, why should we waste our time on this when it could be spent walking through the room with everyone turning and looking, thinking, where did they get those clothes!!?? We comb through all our stuff just to try and be one step ahead of what is happening in the world of fashion!! We had enough of always looking in shops that simply weren't good enough, so to suit our lifestyle, we thought, 'just make them', make all the stuff what we want! Then, once all our friends who are also slaves to fashion saw what we we're wearing, they to were asking for the next designs, this is the beginning of a new era in clothes and street fashion, this is the beginning of OKIE DOKIE!!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

The fascination of being the fashion vampires.

The fascination of being the fashion vampires.
We love the dark times, we love the black things, we love the cold weather! As the burning sun falls out the sky, it is time for us to be unleashed and play with the world!

The Stitch Olivia Harrison

Call us the vampires? Yeah we are! As the dark and cold of winter draws in, the black and the dark is drawn out of us. Our fashion is stunningly featured, with Black being the main love of our lives, love game? Then play with us and all those stitches on the dark things. Unisex shirts with those glamorous pins, pearls, sequins are the greatest combination ever!
Here comes the winter, here come the vampires and here comes the stitch collection!!

The Stitch Bobby Raffin
The Stitch Oxy & Andrew
The Stitch Ebba
The Stitch Jimmy

1 ความคิดเห็น:

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